Separability-Based Intelligent Scissors for Interactive Image Segmentation(<Special Section>Advanced Image Technology)
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Intelligent scissors is an interactive image segmentation algorithm which allows a user to select piece-wise globally optimal contour segment corresponding to a desired object boundary. However, the intelligent scissors is too sensitive to a noise and texture patterns in an image since it utilizes the gradient information concerning the pixel intensities. This paper describes a new intelligent scissors based on the concept of the separability in order to improve the object boundary extraction performance. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been confirmed by some experiments for actual images acquired by an ordinary digital camera.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-01-01
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University
Uchino Eiji
Division Of Natural Science And Symbiosis Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Yamaguchi Unive
Uchino Eiji
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Yamaguchi University
Suetake Noriaki
Academic Domain Of Natural Science Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Yamaguchi University
Suetake Noriaki
Department Of Physics Biology And Informatics Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
Suetake Noriaki
Department Of Physics And Information Sciences Yamaguchi University
Uchino Eiji
Department Of Physics And Information Science Faculty Of Science. Yamaguchi University
Department of Physics, Biology and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University
Hirata Kanae
Department Of Physics Biology And Informatics Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
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