Traitor Tracing Scheme Secure against Adaptive Key Exposure and its Application to Anywhere TV Service(<Special Section>Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
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Copyright protection is a major issue in distributing content on Internet or broadcasting service. One well-known method of protecting copyright is a traitor tracing scheme. With this scheme, if a pirate decoder is made, the content provider can check the secret key contained in it and trace the authorized user/subscriber (traitor). Furthermore, users require that they could obtain services anywhere they want (Anywhere TV). For this purpose, they would need to take along their secret keys and therefore key exposure has to be kept in mind. As one of countermeasures against key exposure, a forward secure public key cryptosystem has been developed. In this system, the user secret key remains valid for a limited period of time. It means that even if it is exposed, the user would be affected only for the limited time period. In this paper, we propose a traitor tracing scheme secure against adaptive key exposure (TTaKE) which contains the properties of both a traitor tracing scheme and a forward secure public key cryptosystem. It is constructed by using two polynomials with two variables to generate user secret keys. Its security proof is constructed from scratch. Moreover we confirmed its efficiency through comparisons. Finally, we show the way how its building blocks can be applied to anywhere TV service. Its structure fits current broadcasting systems.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-05-01
小川 一人
小川 一人
Japan Broadcasting Corp. Tokyo Jpn
Imai H
National Inst. Of Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Imai H
Research Center For Information Security (rcis):national Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science An
Imai Hideki
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Chuo University:research Center For Information Security (rcis) N
OGAWA Kazuto
Science & Technical Research Laboratories, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
HANAOKA Goichiro
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
IMAI Hideki
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Hanaoka Goichiro
Research Center For Information Security (rcis) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science &a
Hanaoka Goichiro
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Hanaoka Goichiro
3rd Department Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Imai H
Chuo University
Imai Hideki
National Inst. Of Advanced Industrial Sci. & Technol. (aist) Tokyo Jpn
Ogawa Kazuto
Science & Technical Research Laboratories Japan Broadcasting Corporation
Hanaoka G
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
小川 一人
Hanaoka Goichiro
National Inst. Of Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Imai Hideki
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
小川 一人
Nhk 放送技研
Imai Hideki
National Astronomical Observatory
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