相対的過剰人口と労働力の再生産 : 資本主義的蓄積の一般的法則に関連して
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Abstract Marx's "general law of capitalistaccumulation" in the first volume ofCapital indicated the future of the capitalist economy, in terms of "the accumulation of wealth on the one hand, and that of poverty on the other," whoseimplication remains to be fully explored.This paper examines the implication of the "general law of capitalist accumulation" in view of the reproduction of labor power.Underlying Marx's general law of capitalist accumulation was his view on theprogressive production of relative surplus population in the course of capitalaccumulation,which had been interpreted as an increasing gap between the aggregate demand and supply of labor. This paper demonstrates that Marx's view on the progressive productionof relative surplus population should be interpreted as the displacement andreemployment of workers in greater scale, rather than as an increasing gap between theaggregate demand and supply of labor.Marx also pointed out that greater part of those employed in unstable jobs would bedegraded into a stagnant part of relative surplus population, and finally pauperized,resulting in worsening conditions of the reproduction of labor power. This paperdemonstrates that the evolution of capital accumulation would deteriorate theconditions of the reproduction of labor power, in view of an increasing number of those falling into the stagnant relative surplus population and the pauperized labor.