日本語教師養成課程学生の志望動機に関する調査研究 : 社会的・心理的要因との関連性から
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論文(Article)本研究の目的は,日本語教師養成課程学生の日本語教師を志す動機を明らかにし,外的・内的要因から関連を探ることにある。223名の志望動機の因子構造を確認した結果,第1「自己適性」,第2「海外志向」,第3「職業使命」,第4「自己向上」,第5「教授ニーズ」の5因子を抽出し,相関は第1と第2因子間で高かった。また,英語を得意とする者や海外在住経験のある者はそうではない者よりも第1・2因子で有意に高く評価し,第1・2・4因子は資質能力の自己評価や志望度とも強い相関を示すことなどを見出した。このことから,外国語学習・習得経験や海外体験,自己効力は日本語教師養成課程学生の志望動機に何らかの影響を与えている可能性を見出した。そして,学生の持つ志望動機を高めるための養成教育の内容や方法についての示唆を得た。The purpose of this study is to investigate the vocational motives of the students who are enrolled in the Japanese language teacher training course, and to examine the relations of psychological and social aspects. The data were collected from 223 students attending a teacher training course with a questionnaire. The results of factor analysis on the data collated revealed 5 factors as 'aptitude' motives, 'overseas' motives, 'mission' motives, 'self-improvement' motives, and 'teaching needs' motives. Comparison between the students who positively evaluated their English ability and those who did not do so showed that the former had significantly higher scores for 'aptitude' motives and 'overseas' motives. Furthermore, it indicated that their self-evaluation for their basic ability to teach Japanese correlate positively with 'aptitude' motives, 'overseas' motives and 'self-improvement' motives. The similar results were also recognized for their aptitude and aspirations to become a teacher. These findings suggest how educators should support these students in the teacher training course in order to develop their motives.