Almost Complex Manifolds and Hirzebruch Invariant for Isolated Singularities in Complex Spaces (特異点の位相幾何学)
- Problems (特異点の位相幾何学)
- The Godbillon-Vey class of codimension one foliations without holonomy (Topology of Foliations)
- Characteristic classes of symplectomorphism groups as discrete groups (Analysis and Topology of Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Spaces)
- 21世紀の幾何学 (フォーラム:現代数学の風景/21世紀の幾何学)
- 日本数学会賞春季賞受賞者深谷賢治氏の業績
- ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE TORELLI GROUP AND THE CASSON INVARIANT : Dedicated to Professor A. Hattori on his sixtieth birthday
- On the Homology Groups of the Mapping Class Groups of Orientable Surfaces with Twisted Coefficients
- Characteristic Classes of Surfaces Bundles with Cross Sections(Hyperbolic Geometry and 3-Manifolds)
- Caracteristic classes of surface bundles
- Finite coverings of punctured torus bundles and the first Betti number(TRANSFORMATION GROUPS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY)
- Links of Complex Isolated Singularities (Analytic Varieties及びStratified Spaces上の諸問題)
- Non-Triviality of Some Secondary Characteristic Classes of Foliations (Foliationsと$C^{\infty}$-写像)
- The $\eta$-Invariant of the Cone on a Nonsingular Hypersurface in a Complex Projective Space (特異点の幾何学)
- A Remark on the Continuous Variation of Secondary Characteristic Classes for Foliations ($C^\infty$-写像のトポロジー)
- Almost Complex Manifolds and Hirzebruch Invariant for Isolated Singularities in Complex Spaces (特異点の位相幾何学)
- The Signature Theorem for Differentiable Manifolds and Some Elementary Number Theory (Geometry of Manifolds)
- Notes on the Topology of Analytic Sets (Geometry of Manifolds)
- Pontrjagin Classes of Rational Homology Manifold (Geometry of Manifolds)
- Introduction to the Work of Sullivan on the Splitting of Various K-Theories (複体の局所化)
- Pontrjagin SquarsとSignatureについて (コボルディズム理論)
- Genus One Stories in Low Dimensional Topology (Geometric and analytic approaches to representations of a group and representation spaces)
- Some Remarks on the Kirby-Siebenmann Class (PL多様体及び位相多様体)