大化新政の地方浸透について : 常陸國の場合
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It is a matter of common knowledge that the first imperial edict issued on the Taika Reformation, was ambiguous in its meaning. I have tried to explain how the Reformation influenced the provincial systems. I studied here "Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki", especially its passages on the reign of Emperor Kotoku (孝徳). I tried to explain how and when the Reformation was established in "Hitachi no Kuni" (常陸國). By studying from this point of view, I am lead to believe that Hitachi no Kuni was first organised when the "Bando Soryo" was installed there. It seems to me that it was shortly before the fifth year of Taika (大化五年,649A.D.). Kori (郡), subdiivsion of the province, was formed when Kashima no Kori (鹿島郡) was set up in the fifth year of Taika, And I suppose that it was in the fourth year of Hakuchi (白雉4年653A.D.) that the system of Gunji (郡司) was really established in this province. Further the more, I 'think Soryo (總領), the public function of which has not been duly appreciated by now, seems to play an important role in reforming the local administration at the beginnings of this Reformation Period.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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