ヘンリー・カボット・ロッジの民族観 : 識字テストによる南・東欧系移民の入国規制をめぐって
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一 はじめに二 ボストン・ブラーミンと移民問題三 ロッジの南・東欧系移民問題四 識字テスト条項の論議五 むすびにかえてI have long been interested in the history of Japanese immigration to the United States and even more particularly in the question of how the Japanese were, in 1924, eventually excluded by U. S. federal law from immigrating there. In this connection I have also had an interest in Henry Cabot Lodge, a congressman from Massachusetts whose support of this exclusionary policy was decisive in its becoming law. In this paper, however, I discuss the related issue of his racial attitudes towards Slavic and Latin nationals immigrating to the U.S. At the turn of the Twentieth Century, the influx of laborers from southeastern Europe became a major issue in the urban, industrial areas of the northeastern United States. Among those who feared that this influx would lead to a national crisis was Henry C. Lodge. As a lawmaker, he attempted to reduce the number of those arriving by frequently introducing bills that would restrict immigration by the use of "Literacy Tests". This paper attempts to clarify the factors leading Lodge to favor the anti-immigration policy. It also focuses on the enthusiastic battles waged by Lodge in Congress to enact such legislation during the terms of three presidents, who considerd the measure discriminatory and sought to stop its passage with their veto authority. It is my hope that this study will add not only to the general understanding of the history of U.S. immigration policy, but also that it will be of interest to historians concernd with Henry C. Lodge in the above mentioned context.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文