モンゴル帝国における必闍赤=bitikci : 憲宗メングの時代までを中心として
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This paper is intended to evaluate the role of the "Bitikci" in the Mongol Empire. The word "Bitikci" itself was borrowed from the Uighur language, and its original meaning was "secretary". The Mongolians, who were illiterate warriors, found it very difficult to administer its vast territories and the conquered peoples. They used the well-educated people of the various peoples such as Mongolian, Persian, Uighur, Khitayan, Tangut, etc. These officials were called "Bitikci". It should be remembered that these officials were generally subordinated to their lord of ulus serving at their court (ordu) as a member of Household Department, or, representing their lord in the Central goverment of Qara-Qorum or in the subordinate states such as China, Turkestan, Iran. Again, let it be understood that their duties within and without the court were :- (1) Administration Responsible for general administrative matters; writing Yarligh or decree ; Conferring the newly appointments; Affixing Tamgha or seal Issuing Paiza or special order which attested the authenticity of the Yarligh. (2) Finance To fulfil the role of Treasurer or Tax-collector; To issue Barat or draft; To be concerned with the affairs of merchants and traders. (3) Diplomatic services (4) Special justices Responsible for the investigation of ambassadors who were not acquainted with the Mongolian customs and committed a crime. This official of "Bitikci" was regarded purely as an official. He was, however, no more or no less than "Patrimonialbiirokrat" or the Household official, and the status of "Bitikci" was not stable since the Royal Favorites were appointed to this office.
- シンポジウム「文明語の比較社会史 : 漢文、オスマン語、中世ラテン語」(一九九二年度三田史学会大会)
- モンゴル帝国における必闍赤=bitikci : 憲宗メングの時代までを中心として
- 解説
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