安南科挙制度小考 : 覈について
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This article was written as a part of the Study of the History of Civil Service Examination (科挙) in Annam (安南) In Annam (安南), it was provided that the applicants for the Civil Service Examination were required to pass the preliminary test of abilities. This preliminary test was called "Hach" (覈) in Nguyen Dynasty (阮朝). This test was given by the professors and teachers of the sub-division of the Province (州県), at the year when the Civil Service Examination took place. The results of this test were taken under the reconsideration of the President (祭酒) or Professor (司業) of National College (国子監) or the Chief of the Educational Department (督学) of Province (省府). This preliminary test was given on the same subjects as those of Civil Service Examination. The candidates who passed this test were exempted from the military service and corvee either for one year or for half a year, and eligible for Civil Service Examination. The oldest case of this preliminary test that the sources at my disposal can prove is presumed to be about the reign of Thantong (聖宗) (1460-1490) of the Le Dynasty (黎朝) It is generally believed that the Civil Service Examination in China, was open only to the students of the Public Shools But in Annam, any precise regulation can not be found concerning this point. Therefore I may safely say as a provisional conclusion that such a close relationship between public school and Civil Service Examination did not exist in Annam as in China.
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