後漢の交趾刺史について : 士變をめぐる諸勢力(史學科開設五十周年記念)
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Wu Ti, the Emperor of Earlier Han, having conquered Nam Viet in the Second Century B. C., established a province, Pu (部), called Chiao-Chih (交趾), governed by the governor, Tsu-Shih (刺史), and this administrative organization was succeeded on to the Later Han Dynasty (25-220 A. D.). Towards the end of the latter dynasty, namely in 203 A. D., Chiao-Chih-Pu was raised to the rank of a state, Chou (州), called Chiao-Chou (交州), and accordingly, the governer, Tsu-Shih (刺史), was promoted to the viceroy, Mu (牧). Recently, the foregoing historical events have been well studied by several Japanese and Chinese scholars. The writer intends to clarify the events, still further in this article, through the comparison of texts found in Hou-Han-Shu (後漢書), Shan-Kuo-Chih (三国志), and many other books written in the Chin (晉) Dynasty (256〜419 A. D.). Moreover, he tries to examine all governers of Province Chiao-Chih in the Later Han Dynasty. Towards the end of the Dynasty, the peace reigned only in the Delta of the Red River, and all other territories of China were troubled by discontented local lord. The reasons of the tranquility mainly come from the overestimated confidence of the central government on the abilities of Chu Fu (朱符) and Chang Chin (張津) as governors, and from the political power of the local, native lord, Shih Hsieh (士變), who actually ruled the province as Tai-Shu (太守) of Chiao-Chih-Chun (交趾郡). In conclusion, the writer reports in this article his research on the situation of Province Chiao-Chih at the end of the Later Han Dynasty, with special attention to political and social problems caused by the rivalry between the governors and the native lords whose representative was Shih Hsieh.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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