日本文化の研究 : その態度のあり方についての一試論
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Every culture and thought develop when, while standing on a certain ground of their own, they introduce something new into their ingredients, -thus when there is a kind of interwoven mixture of acceptability and spontaneity. In this sense we may say we have a good reason in rejecting the well known view that the development of culture and thought in ancient Japan entirely depends upon that of the Chinese culture of that time, and that the words like "Chinese influence" or "Chinese model" would simply be enough to explain it out. It is against this common view that I tried, in this article, to investigate several problems in ancient Japanese culture and thought. They are: the development of the idea of Ever-Lasting-World (Tokoyo no kuni) whose strong aspiration towards a eternal world of perennial youth and immortality (Huro Hushi) stands together with equally strong affirmation of the realities of this world, the development of the ancient ornamented tombs and especially their frescos mostly prevalent in northern parts of Kyushu, and the development of various techniques used in sculpture during Hakuho and Tenpyo periods, such as the wax-impression casting, the Kanshitsu-zukuri (a kind of technique used in constructing statues by platering linens on archetypes made of wood or clay with sap of lacquer-tree as paste), and the moulding.
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- 朝鮮史の栞, 今西龍遺著, 近澤書店刊行, 菊判本文二四七頁, 圖版五, 定價二圓五十錢
- 日本精神生成史論 上代編, 鈴木重雄, 理想社出版部, 菊判五二三頁, 三圓五十錢
- 新羅史研究, 今西龍遺著, 近澤書店刊行, 本文五九五頁, 定價金五圓
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- 北畠親房, 中村直勝著, 星野書店發行, 菊判, 本文四二二頁, 定價金参圓
- 尾張國遺存 織田信長史料寫眞集
- 一つの提案
- 「夢殿」, 半紙版, 和紙, 口繪コロタイプ版二葉, 挿繪五葉, 菊判本文一二九頁, 定價壹圓, 丸善三田出張所發賣
- 雜誌「史潮」の發刊
- 現代新道概説, 古野清人著, 山喜房出版部發行, 四六判本文百四十四頁, 定價壹圓貮拾錢
- 大館持房行状-故總州大守源公持房景〓院殿高門常譽禪門行状, 史學研究會印行
- 日本思想史研究, 村岡典嗣著, 岡書院發行, 菊判, 本文五〇一頁, 付録, 索引, 發表年次掲載誌名, 圖版三葉附, 定價五圓
- 古代文學研究, 倉野憲司著, 岡村書店發行, 菊版本文三八一頁, 定價二圓三十錢
- 或解釋
- 日本文化史概論, 西村眞次著, 東京堂發行, 菊判本文五一八頁圖版十葉, 定價三圓五十錢
- 日本史の研究第二輯, 三浦周行著, 岩波書店發行
- 日本思想史 上代國民の精神生活, 清原貞雄著, 中文館發行
- 日本文化史年表, 清原貞雄篇, 中文館發行
- 神道講座の發刊