- 論文の詳細を見る
Lazard Nicholas Marguerite Carnot, one of the military leader of Revolutionary France, is rather an unfamiliar figure. What makes a problem of Carnot may be the role he played in the military administration of Revolution and the ideal of revolution he held. To clarify this point it is considered the most adequate to study the task he achieved as a political commissary of attached to an army corps that he was for a year. From this point of view I have examined Carnot's activity in the Camp of Soisson, Rhin Corps and Nord Corps,and revealed how he contributed to the organization of the military system of Revolutionary France in the transitional period up to the establishment of the Great Revolution Government, how in the light of the ideal of revolution his political ideal was inclined to conservatism and how he lacked adequate understanding of the ideal of socialism. These facts, I think, may explain why Carnot could not become more than a mere military leader instead of becoming a direct promoter of the popular revolution.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- ジロンドの崩壊
- 一七八九年の革命 : G. Lefebvre ; Quatre-Vingt-Neuf : Paris. Maison du Livre Francais, 1939
- ダニエル・ゲラン「フランス革命史研究に關するノート」
- 最近の佛國革命史研究
- ピエール・オーグスト・モージェール小伝(中)
- ピェール・オーグスト・モージェール小伝(上)
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- ラザール・カルノー斷考(下)
- ラザール・カルノー断考(上)
- Commission des Subsistancesの食糧補給政策を廻る緒問題
- フランス革命史研究, 前川貞次郎著, 創文牡, 昭和三十一年
- L'An IIに於けるApprovisionnementの問題
- Thompson ; World history from 1914 to 1950
- フランス革命に於ける「獨占禁止」の問題
- 海外史壇紹介(一) : 最近のフランス革命史學界
- 恐嚇政治の成立に關する若干の考察
- G. Lefebvre, Les Thermidoriens, 1937