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慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集It is interesting to note that large quantities of fishhooks made of the bones of wild land and water fowls, tusks of wild boars, and of the deer bones and horns of them have been uncovered from Jomon Period shell mounds found along the Pacific coast region north of Tokyo. In contrast to the above, only few examples of fishhooks made from bones and horns have been uncovered from shell mounds of the Late Middle Later Jomon Period as well as the Yayoi Period found in Okayama and Aichi Prefectures located west of Tokyo. Some two-piece bone fishhooks have also been found among the bone and horn fishhooks of the Early Jomon Period culture. These are thought to be related to the early Kam-Keramic culture of Northeast Asia. The bone and horn fishhooks of the Late Jomon Period culture appear most similar to those fishhooks found in the north Pacific coastal areas. This phenomenon should be given serious consideration in the study of the cultural movement of the north Pacific region.
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