- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to describe the circumstances and intent of the meetings for lecture on the Nihon Shoki ("Chronicle of Japan" compiled in 720 by the Imperial command in the reign of Empress Gensho 元正) held in the Konin era (810〜823) together with the formation of the "Konin Private Interpretation of the Nikon Shoki" 弘仁私記 which was compiled according to the lectures given at the Court. In conclusion, the writer of this article clarifies the following points. In the early Heian period, the Ritsuryo System 律令制度 (the administrative and judicial system in accordance with provisions of the Taiho Ritsuryo, the Code compiled in the Taiho era (701)) was strained to the breaking point and the reconstruction of the administrative system was urgently required. Accordingly the historical consciousness was awakened among the courtiers. Under these circumstances, they took an interest in the description on the Nihon Shoki in which the ancient spirit of nationalism was expressed. At the same time, the traditional clan system was in a state of disorder, and owing to changes in the language the ancient Japanese words had been misunderstood. Indeed the direct purpose of the promoters of the lecture meetings was to cope with the disorder in the clan system and in the Japanese language at that time. The lecture meetings in question were held during the two years 812 and 813 in the reign of Emperor Saga, by Imperial order appointing Ono-Nincho 多人長 to the post of instructor to give lectures on the Nihon Shoki to the courtiers. The book of "Konin Private Interpretation of the Nihon Shoki", however, was compiled more than ten years after the time when the court had the lecture meetings. Accordingly, there are some misinterpretations in the description of the book. Because of such misinterpretations, various doubts about the description have been entertained by many historians, especially as to its preface. The writer of this article proves the reliability of the discriptions by clarifying the circumstances in question.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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- 弘仁の日本書紀購讀と私記の成立(慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集)
- 「上代の土地制度」, 今宮新著, 日本歴史新書, 至文堂刊, B6判, 二一七頁
- 日本書紀私記甲本について
- 豊後風土記の研究, 山田孝雄閲, 佐藤四信著, 明治書院刊, A5判, 三五〇頁