『新民叢報』に見る音楽教育論 : 梁啓超と曽志〓の音楽教育思想の比較を中心に(教育史,<特集>教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-)
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特集教育研究の現在-教育の統合的理解を目指して-教育史投稿論文はじめに1. 『新民叢報』が創刊された経緯及びその趣旨2.梁啓超の音楽教育論 (1) 梁啓超の「精神」教育としての音楽教育論 (2) 梁啓超の学校唱歌教育論の形成 (3) 梁啓超による『新民叢報』における新曲の紹介3. 曽志忞の音楽教育論 (1) 『新民叢報』に見る曽志忞の音楽活動 : 亜雅音楽会を通して (2) 『新民叢報』に見る曽志忞の音楽教育論 (3) 『楽典教科書』序言に見る曽志忞の音楽教育論結びにかえて : 梁啓超と曽志忞の音楽教育論の共通点This dissertation is to examine and reveal Liang Qichao and Zeng Zhimin's music education thoughts in the early 20th century, with Japanese thinking situation at that time in the background. Xinmincongbao was started on Feb. 5th 1902 by Liang Qichao, who also acted as the editor in chief. And the magazine was his main enlightening activities at that time. Liang Qichao and Zeng Zhimin wrote articles about music education for the magazine. The author makes a comparison between the Liang and Zeng concerning their respective theories, and significant similarities are drawn. The paper explores the meaning and purpose of music education in China's nation building, and explains why they insisted that music education should be included in China's school education. And the author discusses the influence of Japan's modern music education theory on their philosophy.