兵役忌避者の肖像 : 大正・昭和の『読売新聞』報道から(B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学,<特集>都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-)
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特集都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学論文1. はじめに 兵役忌避者のイメージ2. 大正・昭和の『読売新聞』にみる兵役忌避報道 2-1. 大正・昭和の『読売新聞』 2-2. 報道件数の推移と報道内容の特徴3. 兵役忌避者の肖像 : 大正・昭和の『読売新聞』報道から 3-1. 兵役の不平等 : 国民と兵役をめぐる議論 (1) 兵役という”貧乏くじ” (2) 兵役は「名誉」か「苦痛」か 3-2. 二つの忌避者像 : 大正の忌避者たち (1) 減らない兵役忌避 (2) 学生への猶予問題再び (3) 都市のインテリに忌避の傾向 (4) 児戯に類した嘘をつく 3-3. 兵役法の公布から総動員体制へ : 昭和の忌避者たち (1) 物語の復活 : 転落のストーリー (2) 姿を消す忌避者たち4. おわりに イメージの力・イメージする力The purpose of this paper is to describe the portraits of draftdodgers in Japan and through them to think about the relationship between the government and their people and the role of newspaper as the agent between them. Since the conscription was introduced in 1872, there were many draft-dodgers in Japan. To escape from conscription, they used various legal and illegal means, but they proposed the same question. That is, could the government force their people to kill or to be killed against their will? In this meaning, the draftdodgers represent the tensions between the government and their people. In this paper, I tried to describe the portraits of draft-dodgers from the articles of YOMIURIin Taisho and Showa era. YOMIURI is one of the most popular newspapers in Taisho and Showa era in Japan. I found 107 articles about draft-dodgers in it. I have already analyzed the changes of their portraits in Meiji era. Through Meiji era, their portraits changed from the men of darkness to HIKOKUMIN as coward and the cunning intelligentsia. In Taisho era, YOMIURI presented two typical portraits of draft-dodgers. They were as cunning intelligentsia and men of darkness and ignorance. However, the conscription was also criticized because of its unfairness and inequality. In Showa era, the experiences of continuous wars changed their portraits to as wrongdoer and offender. They were criticized as obstacles to accomplishment of wars. After the breakout of war against China, the articles about draft-dodgers in Japan faded out from YOMIURI. Instead of them, the articles of draft-dodgers in America, China, England-the portraits of enemies-appeared. The portraits of draft-dodgers reflected the changes of political, social and military situations. They represented the worst category of Japanese at that time. YOMIURI kept showing people the image of "good" Japanese by showing them the portraits of "bad" Japanese, the draft-dodgers.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文