社会福祉制度草創期における児童保護サービスの意図と特色 : 親の『モラル改善』から(<特集>家族とその社会的生活世界の探求)
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特集家族とその社会的生活世界の探求論文はじめに1. 児童虐待の系譜と社会的認識 (1) 児童虐待の社会的構成 (2) 虐待構造と系譜2. 博愛活動と反虐待活動 : 「全国児童虐待防止協会(NSPCC)」 (1) NSPCCの成立と「モラル改革」 (2) NSPCC初期の特色3. 「インスペクター」から児童保護(child protection)サービスへ (1) 児童の人権活動 (2) 「インスペクター」とソーシャルワークおわりにBy the turn of the 20th century, cruelties against children was not generally recognized a social problem but only individual morality and associated with in family pauperism. Today child protection services converge on child abuse and neglect policy and practices constructed the arena of child welfare service systems. This paper describes the structure and content of rationales taken through NSPCC in UK historically. NSPCC founded 1889 one of Victorian charity organizations was and still now the largest organization nation wide networking. This organization's activitices very much contributed toward formulation of child illtreatment concepts, social intervention system and child rights movement not only inside UK but also outside.