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特集コミュニケーション課程の諸相論文問題 社会的背景 職場における勢力構造 「一般職」におけるサブグループの登場 社会的アイデンティティ理論 本稿の課題データ結果 コースによる職務分離の実態 : ペイ・エクイティ研究会(1997)の再分析 技能のコース間格差 : 「ホワイトカラーの技能に関する質問紙調査」から 公正感のコース間格差 : 「ホワイトカラーの技能に関する質問紙調査」から 一般職自身によるコース間格差の認識 : 2つのインタビュー調査から 年齢構成結論 サブカテゴリーの形成要因 サブカテゴリー間の差異 サブカテゴリー登場の背景 全体的考察This study was conducted to examine the effect of communication over non-core employees' gaining social power in the following points: (1) to examine the factor that determine how they differ in adoptation of coping strategies toward unbalanced distribution of social power; (2) to describe how the communication styles differ between subgroups of non-core employees; (3) to investigate the factor which generates such subgroups of non-core employees. Two interview surveys, one questionnaire survey, and two re-analyzing survey of existing data were conducted. The results were as follows: (1) the acceptation or rejection of their lower position in organization separates non-core female employees (Ippan-shoku) into two subgroups according to their coping strategies toward unfair distribution of social power, which subgroups are labeled as "universal behavior" group and "idiosyncratic behavior" group; (2) the differentiation of communication styles between the two subgroups can be explained with the aid of social identity theory; (3) the wage gap between core and non-core employees becomes clearer as non-core employees' tenure extends as a whole. The point that divides non-core employees into two subgroups is whether they regard such disparity as their personal problem or as their common problem.
- 共働き夫婦におけるwork-family interfaceの様相 : 育児休業取得中・後の2時点のインタビュー調査をもとに
- 非コア従業員の社会的勢力獲得におけるコミュニケーションの効果(コミュニケーション課程の諸相)