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特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文1. 本研究の課題2. 先行研究と本研究の仮説 (1) 移民研究におけるネットワークへの注目 (2) ネットワーク研究とソーシャル・サポート (3) 本研究のモデル3. データと変数 (1) 調査の概要 (2) 対象者の特性 (3) 変数 1) 被説明変数 2) 説明変数4. 結果5. 議論 (1) エスニックなネットワーク特性の効果の限定性 (2) 構造的なネットワーク特性の効果 (3) 在日外国人とネットワーク研究 : 本研究の制約,課題と今後の展望付記This paper aims to examine the causal relationship between social network and life satisfaction of Chinese residents who came to Japan for the last twenty years. I assume that immigrants depend on their personal network because they are unacquainted with the language, the institution and the culture of the host society. Prior researches about social network of immigrants focus on the role of ethnic network, which means the relations to people of the same ethnic origin. However, in the field of social network analysis, many researchers consider social network structures as important factors, and "density" is often used as a network item to measure egocentric network structure. Therefore, I examine the effects of ethnic characteristics in the network composition and density of egocentric network to the degree of life satisfaction. The result of multivariate analysis shows that the effect of ethnic characteristics in the network composition is limited, and density of egocentric network have an influence on the degree of life satisfaction.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 金泰泳著『アイデンティティ・ポリティクスを越えて : 在日朝鮮人のエスニシティ』
- 滞日中国人の社会的ネットワークと生活満足度(変容する社会と家族)
- 多文化教育とエスニシティ : 在日韓国・朝鮮人集住地区を事例に