女性の就業と家族生活ストレーン : 女性の就業は誰の利益か?(<特集>変容する社会と家族)
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特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文1. はじめに2. 先行研究と分析課題 (1) 就業の女性にたいするインパクト (2) 妻の就業の男性にたいするインパクト (3) 分析モデル3. 方法 (1) データ (2) 分析に用いる変数 (3) 分析方法4. 分析 (1) 一元配置の分散分析と多重分類分析の結果 (2) 就業と家族生活における対処戦略 : 女性の場合 (3) 妻の就業と男性の対応5. 考察付記More and more married women have participated in the labor force with brief interruption during child care period. From the perspective of stress research, this paper investigates how these situation influences on family life. The analysis revealed that those women who work full-time, who have more than 3 children, and who live with parents experience higher strain, and those men who are self-employee, live with parents experience higher strain. This paper also examined what kinds of coping strategies are undertaken when women work outside the household. By the examination of interaction effects, those interaction effects were significant: between employment status and the number of children, employment status and living arrangement with parents for women, spouse's employment status and attitude toward gender division of labor, spouse's economic contribution and attitude toward gender division of labor for men. These results indicate that the burden which manages housework is undertaken all by women. Japanese society might be building the severe gender structure which even the benefit of women's participation of labor force is enjoyed by men.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文