架空のもの・実在しないものの名について : アベラールとJ.S.ミル
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Although we speak of fictitious person or things in books, films, or in our imagination very frequently and without any hesitation, the status of the names of fictitious things or things which do not exist has been quite ambiguous and problematic in logic. In this small paper, we would like to consider whether the sentences which include these names are susceptible of truth or false, by mentioning Abelard, who insists that the existence of a name is inseparably connected with the existence of a thing which is signified by the name (or at least, an evidence of the thing's existence), and J.S. Mill, who insists that the existence of a name does not necessarily demand the actual existence of a thing which is denoted by the name.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 架空のもの・実在しないものの名について : アベラールとJ.S.ミル
- J.S.ミルの名辞・本質命題・定義について : 'denotation'と'connotation'をめぐるミルの意味論の予備的考察
- 可能なセクストゥスたち : ライプニッツにおける世界の構成原理
- アベラールの「ディアレクティカ」における,すべての真なコンセクエンチアは,永遠に真である,という主張をめぐって