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100集記念号1. はじめに2. W.A.A.Eと日本3. 日本の成人教育に関する4つのリポート4. 結語The report on Japanese adult education in the W.A.A.E. Bulletin XXX is well-known; however, three other reports on Japanese adult education were published by the W.A.A.E. in the 1920's and 1930's, and these have been ignored by Japanese scholars for a long time. In this paper, I investigate the exchanges between the W.A.A.E. and Japanese educational bodies. While reviewing the contents of the reports, I reconsider their historical importance. The exchanges between the W.A.A.E. and Japanese educational bodies started in the early 1920's and continued throughout the decade, but gradually became inactive in the 1930's. The most well-known report was published in 1926. It was said to be written by Arata Osada, but in this paper I argue that Shigenao Konishi was involved in it as well. The report was written from the viewpoint of reforming Japanese adult education, and there was a lot of information on nongovernmental movements. It was quite progressive for that day and age. Three more reports were published in 1929, 1930 and 1936. The same tendencies found in the 1926 report can also be found in the 1929 and 1930 reports, especially the latter, which was read by Entaro Noguchi in the 1929 World Conference on Adult Education in Cambridge. However, the last report is different from others, for it had become mere propaganda for the Ministry of Education. Japanese adult educators received useful information from the W.A.A.E.; furthermore the unique information on nongovernmental adult education movements in Japan was communicated all over the world in the 1920's through the efforts of the W.A.A.E.. However, such information couldn't be sent in the 1930's, and the exchanges between the W.A.A.E. and Japanese educational bodies finally ended in 1939 or 1940.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 教育実習生の学習アセスメントに関する研究 : 「社会科実力テスト」開発の試み(33-【A】教師教育(1),2 一般研究発表II,発表要旨)
- 総合大学における学部専門教育と教員養成教育 : 教員養成教育の責任主体をめぐって
- 世界成人教育協会と日本の成人教育リポート(100集記念号)
- 梶山雅史編著, 『近代日本教育会史研究』, 学術出版会刊, 2007年9月発行, A5判, 417頁, 本体価格3,800円