認知心理学はどこへ行く? : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(4)
- 論文の詳細を見る
I. 認知心理学研究におけるパラドックスII. 認知心理学とパラダイムIII. パラダイムなき研究の悲劇IV. 結論In a series of our papers, we have analyzed the psychological view of Y. Saeki who was one of the most famous and influential cognitive psychologists in Japan. Particularly, we have examined critically the validity of his ideas and models for understanding deeply, his viewpoint theory and his interpretation of domain specificity and found that his practice was a theorization of novices' common knowledge. However many cognitive psychologists in Japan, including eminent ones, fail to recognize the nature of his practicing and appreciate highly his researches, supporting his theories and models in cognitive psychology. In this paper, we examined why they fail to read the true nature of his research. Comparing cognitive psychology with genetic epistemology that has the same research objects as the former, we pointed out that there is no common research paradigm in cognitive psychology and interpreted this paradoxical situation in terms of paradigms. Moreover we described three tragedies of cognitive psychological researches in Japan, caused by the absence of paradigms. Finally, we proposed a possible strategy to get out of this unusual situation.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- ピアジェ理論と教育実践 (6 今,ピアジェを読み直す)
- ピアジェ理論の将来
- ピアジェ理論の将来(シンポジウムIV,シンポジウム)
- 抽象的4枚カード問題における課題変質効果について
- 認知心理学はどこへ行く? : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(4)
- 領域固有性と理解(その二) : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(3)
- 領域固有性と理解(その一) : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(3)
- 視点と理解 : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(2)
- 納得と理解 : 発生的認識論と認知心理学研究(1)
- 指定討論(「相互作用」を考える)(日本発達心理学会・日本性格心理学会ジョイントシンポジウム)
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- 実用的推論スキーマは存在するか?
- 論理的推論におけるみかけの"主題化効果"について
- 組合せ操作の発達的研究