- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to foresee the effect of the Heisei's big municipality consolidation on school district community of the elementary school ward cultivated for a long time. Then, I made the F core City which had founded the community center in each school district to be a case, examined the difference by 4 period of municipalities consolidation on regions dimensions such as population, households number, children number, class number, the subscription rate of the neighborhood association in school district, and the characteristics of the school district community organization on the basis of regulation of society. (1) In the F core City, school district difference of the region dimension is expanded by the municipality consolidation of the peripheral part in which decreasing birth rate, aging, depopulation, and the school district restructuring becomes a problem. (2) In the new period of consolidation, the subscription rate to the neighborhood association is high and the school district under 6 classes is conspicuous. In the reversely old period of consolidation, the subscription rate is low and the rearing of the school district community is a problem. (3) Though types of the executive and so on are alike, when regulation of society of the school district community is observed, there is a difference by the period of consolidation in names, places in the bureau, business purposes, income types and so on.
- 福山大学の論文
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