- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is the interim report of our 2-year activities of Resort Office Research Group. At the first, the philosophy of resort office is re-considered and we classify two types of resort office; corporate (or business) type and individual type. These two types are rather different in some respects from each other. We have had the fieldworks in three resort offices. Karuizawa team studies the present condition and the future progress of resort offices in Karuizawa. And the team is testing the tele-conference tool Skype between Karuizawa and Tokyo. Rokko team is considering to make use of unengaged recreation houses at Rokko mountain and recently had an event at the resort office there. Shirahama team introduces IHS (Innovation Hot Springs) plan by Wakayama prefecture. HIS is the project for the accumulation of information service industry in Shirahama hot spring. Lastly, we emphasize that the resort office is important for our human life, and the change of sense for work and life is the key point.
- 2009-06-20
松岡 温彦
加納 郁也
小島 敏宏
小林 一
佐藤 道彦
水野 統夫
宮崎 泰夫
加納 郁也
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- リゾートオフィス研究部会活動報告(論文部門)
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