プラトン『リュシス』篇の問いと例示(エピデイクシス) : 「何であるか」と「どのようにするか」との間で
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The dialogues of Plato and in particular the Lysis present puzzles and difficulties There is a tendency to take no account of the stage setting or character portrayal, or, if at all, to avoid relating it to the overall interpretation My interpretation regards the stage settings Plato carefully prepares as the outer frame of the dialogue, connecting with the argument The dialogue then represents itself Socrates is depicted as one who knows of love, judges whether a lover knows how to get his boyfriend, and demonstrates how to carry on a conversation with him He indicates the central issue of the dialogue, that is, the epideixis of love He asks the question of how one can make a friend with someone, then shifts it to the question of what a friend is The arrangement of questions unique to the Lysis gives the key to the question of what friendship is Friendship is 'shown' in a way other than definition The settings characteristic of the dialogue, though apparently similar to other Socratic dialogues, form the ou er frame of the Lysis and set the arguments withm the epideixis of Socrates Friendship presupposes loving the other above all It demands two things of the one who loves and the one who is loved The thesis that like is friend to like indicates the reciprocity of loving Also Lysis is depicted to join in the argument after listening with all his heart, which shows the reciprocity of dialogue Socrates, then, brings up a new version of the definition that opposite is friend to opposite Opposite asks opposite for one-sided help and shows no reciprocal attitude Socrates makes the contradiction-mongers examine this thesis and does not commit himself at all The relationship of reciprocity between Socrates and Menexenos breaks down In the course of pursuing the thesis that what is neither good nor bad is friend of the good on account of the bad, for the sake of the good, Socrates and the children each seek for the true friend and share in the pursuit, where reciprocity and irreciprocity become united The pursuit of what a friend is begins with the question of how one can make a friend with someone Change of questions goes with depth of arguments Such a relation as joint pursuit of sophia is just what Socrates takes as friendship He presents it by perfoming the process of philosophizing itself The device to embody things themselves is what is depicted in the outer frame, that is, the demand of 'epideixis' of love and Socrates as a philosopher
- 2005-03-08
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