- 論文の詳細を見る
In 96 A.D. Roman Emperor Domitian was assassinated and M. Cocceius Nerva, an old Italian noble, was proclaimed emperor. But about one year later, Nerva adopted a Spanish general, M. Ulpius Traianus (Trajan) and nominated him as his coruler. Most scholars consider that this adoption is one of the most significant events in the history of the principate, because it inaugurated a new system of succession (Adoptivkaisertum). One of them regards it as an expression of the Stoic ideal, another one considers that by accepting this system the principate was reconciled with the philosophy which had opposed Nero and the Flavian Emperors. In the Panegyric, however, Pliny the younger insisted that the important point about this adoption was not the method but the person adopted. And he described Nerva as a helpless old man and a tool of the God for Trajan's adoption. How are we to understand his opinion? In this paper we have tried to clarify the political process to this adoption and Pliny's political position under Nerva. Our arguments are as follows. As a candidate for Nerva's successor, Trajan had a rival whose career G. Alfoldy and H. Halfmann reconstruct. His name is M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius Maternus. He was connected with Domitianic senators and perhaps the praetorian prefect, Casperius Aelianus. In the summer of 97, Casperius and his troops rose in revolt to avenge Domitian. Succumbing to their demands, Emperor Nerva had a tendency gradually to agree with Nigrinus and Domitianic group. But this political situation was changed by L. Licinius Sura. He made Nerva's final choice fall upon Trajan. (We must make much of Epitome de Caesaribus XIII, 7; it means not Sura's proposal but his real political maneuvering.) Therefore, in the process to the adoption we can find neither new system nor philosophical principle. We can see only a scramble for political power. Then, by our interpretation on the political process, we can explain the political position and opinions of Pliny. He was one of the anti-Domitianic senators. He accused a Domitianic senator, Publicius Certus who was supported by Nigrinus. So Pliny was helped by the adoption and nomination of Trajan (not Nigrinus). He couldn't praise Nerva except for the final choice, because Nerva had leaned toward Pliny's political opponents for a while. These personal affairs influenced his opinions on the adoption and the picture of Nerva in the Panegyric.
- 日本西洋古典学会の論文
- 1986-03-18
- 教える集団をどう組織するか(開会の挨拶)
- コラム: 西洋古代史の泉(3) オータンのローマ遺跡
- 「背教者」ユリアヌス帝登位の背景--紀元4世紀中葉のローマ帝国に関する一考察
- 開会の挨拶 (第16回大学教育研究フォーラム 特別講演/シンポジウム--教える集団をどう組織するか)
- ハンガリーのローマ帝国--ブダペスト市内のローマ遺跡について
- 問わずがたり 古代ローマの女性とは
- テオドール・モムゼンと古代史研究の確立 (教室レポート ポルトガルの教育事情)
- 思想の言葉 歴史像の構築のために--歴史学の研究者にできること
- コラム: 西洋古代史の泉(2) Fondation Hardtについて
- フォーラム 第58回日本西洋史学会大会小シンポジウム報告 ローマ帝国の「衰亡」とは何か
- 特集「環境」によせて (特集 環境)
- 書評 大清水裕著「三世紀後半のイタリア統治の変容と都市社会--コモ出土碑文再考」
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- 「ケルト」論争と歴史学者の立場 (第23回日本ケルト学者会議・研究大会報告(発表要旨)) -- (シンポジウム フォーラム・オン 基調テーマ 「島のケルト」概念を問う)
- ウィンドランダ--イングランド北部のローマ軍要塞について
- 藤縄謙三先生を悼む
- 島田 誠著, 『コロッセウムからよむローマ帝国』, 講談社選書メチエ 162, 講談社, 一九九九・七刊, 四六, 二六二頁, 一六〇〇円
- 創刊の言葉
- Alan K. Bowman, Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier : Vindolanda and Its People., Pp. 159, British Museum Press, London, 1994.
- ヨーロッパ : 古代 : ローマ (一九九二年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- 238年のロ-マ帝国--「軍人皇帝」と元老院の戦い
- Opposition et resistances a l'Empire d'Auguste a Trajan. (Entretiens sur l'Antiquite Classique, tome XXXIII.), Pp.401, Fondation Hardt, Geneve, 1987., Sfr.68.
- 弓削達・伊藤貞夫編『ギリシアとローマ-古典古代の比較史的考察-』
- 憎まれた賢帝ハドリアヌス--政治史からみた五賢帝の実相
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- Death and Renewal--Sociological Studies in Roman History Volume 2/Keith Hopkins(1983)
- ロ-マ皇帝の哲学者弾圧について
- BENGTSON, Hermann, Die Flavier. Vespasian, Titus, Domitian. Geschichte eines romischen Kaiserkauses., Pp. 316, Beck, Miinchen, 1979., DM. 38.
- マルクス・アウレリウス帝とマルコマンニ-戦争
- セプティミウス・セウェ-ルスとロ-マ元首政
- ロ-マ皇帝セプティミウス・セウェ-ルス像の変遷
- 新田一郎著「キリスト教とロ-マ皇帝」
- S.ギ-ディオン著前川道郎・玉腰芳夫訳「建築,その変遷--古代ロ-マの建築空間をめぐって」
- 時代区分論と歴史学研究の現在(コラム 歴史の風)
- 書評 Peter Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians
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- フォーラム 古代史研究から見た西洋史学の将来 : 桜井万里子・師尾晶子編『古代地中海世界のダイナミズム』(山川出版社刊)を素材として
- 西洋古代史の泉(5)マインツ : ライン河岸のローマ都市