進化の過程にあるキャリアカウンセリング : アメリカの実情から学ぶ(<特集>キャリアカウンセリング)
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The term of "career counseling" is getting a growing acknowledgement in various sectors of Japanese society. However, it is found that the definition of career counseling is not yet establishited. Rather this term evokes various images in the minds of those who have interest in it, write about it, and practice it. In the United States, career counseling has gotten increased positive attention but there, too, the term has experienced confusion and changes in its meaning and images across time. In order to specify career counseling as a professional process of intervention in career development, firstly the authors attempted to analyse the status quo and the current contents of what is meant by the term of "career counseling" in Japan. Secondly, American experiences in differenciating the concepts of career counseling, career guidance and of vocational guidance were summarized from the perspective of counseling psychology. Finally, through some comparisons with Japanese and American circumstances the authours presented three proposals in order to further develop the career counseling process to meet the expectation of individuals as well as society. Of particular importance is the recommendation that for many individual problems career and personal counseling must fuse.
- 1998-07-30
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