諏訪市湖南地区南真志野の教育 : 現地調査中間報告(橋本孝先生古希記念論文集)
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橋本孝先生古希記念論文集まえがきI. 諏訪西中学校II. 湖南小学校III. 湖南小学校の前歴 (イ) 湖南地区の私塾 (ロ) 明治初年の小学校As a member of the Keio Society for the Study of Rural Communities, I undertook to investigate the past and present of educational. A conditions in and about Minami-Majino, a small forming village recently annexed to the city of Suwa, Nagano Prefecture. For this purpose, I adopted the following seven procedures : (1) to collect and look through as many old documents and other materials as possible, (2) to conduct interviews with the old-timers in the village in order to hear their views on the educational conditions in the past,. (3) to conduct interviews with some parents of school children and leaders of the P.T.A. in order to learn about the present state of affairs of education, (4) to have a conference with teachers of the elementary and. junior high schools to discuss some problems of school education, (5) to investigate school children's attitudes toward their families, school, village and so on, by means of a questionaire method, (6) to have a meeting with some members of the Board of Education to hear from them their plans of administration concerning the school and the social education of the city, (7) to coduct interviews with some leaders of Young Men's Association, Women's Society, Public Hall and Nursery School in order to know their activities in the social education. Ref Bring to the outcome of my investigation, I gave, in these papers, a report on (a) the existing conditions of Suwa-Nishi Junior High School and Konami Elementary School in Minami-Majino, (b), historic facts of terakoyas, old private schools, before the Meiji era and elementary schools in the early days of the Meiji era in and about Minami-Majino.
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- 諏訪市湖南地区南真志野の教育 : 現地調査中間報告(橋本孝先生古希記念論文集)
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