民主主義の理解 : 中学校、高等学校生徒の場合
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I. 研究の目的II. 予備調査 1. 予備調査の方法 2. 予備調査の結果III. 本調査 1. 本調査の方法 2. 本調査第一次集計の結果 a. 質問別比較 b. 都道別比較 c. 性別比較 d. 学年別比較 3. 本調査第二次集計の結果 a. 選択に於ける集中化傾向 b. 上昇傾向を示した選択肢 c. 下降傾向を示した選択肢 d. 凹型及び凸型傾向を示した選択肢 e. 性的相違の見られた選択肢IV. 総括Education for democracy has been the chief concern of the Japanese teacher since after the World War II. For the past seven years, teachers in the primary as well as the secondary schools throughout the country have been untiring in their endeavor to teach the principles of democracy to their pupils. The time is ripe, so it seems to us, to see to what extent they have succeeded in democratizing the young generation of Japan. Essay type answers to a number of questions about democracy were obtained from 328 boys and girls of the Junior and Senior High Schools in Tokyo and Chiba prefecture. On the basis of these data a questionnaire of the multiple-choice type comprising three questions and sixty answers was constructed. The questions were: (1) What are the good points of democracy? (2) What are the things you should do to promote democracy around you? (3) In order to realize democracy in society, what would you do when you are grown up? For each question 20 answers were prepared, which were equally divided into 4 groups. Each of these groups included items dealing with some aspects of (1) peace, (2) freedom, (3) equality, (4) security and (5) responsibility. The subject was asked to choose one answer from each group, which he thought best expressed the ideal of democracy, so that he made 12 choices in all. 2650 boys and girls of the secondary schools in 5 different prefectures of the Kanto district participated in this survey. Statistical analysis of the data showed that there was hardly any regional difference in the choice of the answers to the questions. However, a great age difference was manifest: The younger students tended to choose items dealing with the denial of authority, good and bad and equality. On the other hand, the older students who chose items dealing with rights, duties and freedom were great in number as compared with those who chose the items preferred by the younger. It was further found that with the increase in age, there was a tendency for them to select the same answers inspite of the fact that there was some sex difference.
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