- 論文の詳細を見る
Pathological studies for stromal changes of leucamias as a tumor were performed employing autopsy-cases collected from the Pathological Department of Chiba University in order to find out some characteristic differences between malignant and benign tumor of leucamias. One case of leucamic myelosarcomatosis and one case of aleucamic myelosarcomatosis as well as one case of leucamic lymphosarcomatosis and five aleucamic lymphosarcomatosis were researched as malignant tumors, all of which showed macroscopically destructive growths, while thirty two cases of leucamic myelomatosis and seven cases of leucamic lymphomatosis were also researched as benign tumors, all of which did not show macroscopically destructive growths. The observations obtained are as following : 1) The disassociation near around capillary vessels in the stroma of tumors was remarkably observed in sarcomatous leucamias, while on the contrary, scarcely found in benign leucamias. 2) Mesenchymodystrophy and mesenchymolysis in mesenchymal cells of the stroma closely adjacent to parenchymal cells in malignant tumors was strikingly observed in the stroma of sarcomatous leucamias, while scarcely observed in benign leucamias in which mesenchymatous cells of tumors showed proliferation simultaneously with parenchymatous cells of tumors. 3) It was revealed that there can be partially found, what we called, presarcomatous changes histologically in the stroma of some benign leucamias which did not show destructive growth macroscopically. 4) Fatty degeneration procedured by Kawamura-Yazaki method was apparently proved in mesenchymal cells and in connective tissues closely adjacent to parenchymatous cells in the stroma of sarcomatous leucamias, while found rarely in benign leucamias on the contrary. Accordingly, it is surely concluded that the fatty degeneration and, what we called, Mesenchymodystrophy and Mesenchymolysis can be one of available targets for determination of malignancy of leucamias.
- 千葉大学の論文
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