^3H-Prednisolone Resin摂取率の臨床的応用と^3H-Prednisoloneおよび^<131>I-Triiodothyronine Resin Sponge摂取率の同時測定法に関する研究
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Clinical application of the in vitro resin uptake of ^3H-prednisolone in serum (Murata, M.: Folia Endocr. Jap., 41, 731, 1965) to the indirect determination of blood cortisol was studied. The principle of 3H-prednisolone resin uptake is similar to that of the ^<131>I-triiodothyronine resin uptake for the thyroidal function test. The ratio of ^3H-prednisolone resin uptake reflected well the concentration of cortisol in serum, and was influenced in like manner by the concentration of corticosterone, ll-deoxycortisol, etc. which is bound to GBG, as well as by the capacity of CBG. It was suggested that this method may be a good and simple method for a serial analysis of adrenal function test, e.g. diurnal variations of blood cortisol level, ACTH test and so on, with a satisfactory reproducibility and sensitivity. In this connection, the basal value of ^3H-prednisolone resin uptake was 35.3 ± 9.2% in normal subjects and 27.1 ± 4.8% in pregnants. Procedure of ^3H-prednisolone resin uptake was simplified by the application of resin sponge (for Triosorb Test) to this method (^3H-prednisolone resin sponge uptake). Furthermore, it was showed that the simultaneous determination of ^3H-prednisolone and ^<131>I-triiodothyronine resin sponge uptake can be measured by the procedure for ^3H-prednisolone resin sponge uptake, when the tracer dose of 3H-prednisolone and ^<131>Itriiodothyronine are mixed with sample serum. Advantage of these method is its simplicity and its requirement of a small specimen.
- 千葉大学の論文
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