- 論文の詳細を見る
Two types of pituitary adenomas, acidophilic and chromophobic by the light microscope, were observed with the electron microscope. Materials were obtained during neurosurgical procedures. These were fixed in cold 1.0% OsO_4 solution buffered with veronal acetate, and embedded in methacrylate resin. The blocks were sectioned with the LKB 3314 A Sjostrand ultra-microtome and examined in an HS-5 electron microscope (Hitachi). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) In both adenomas, tumor cells seem to be in close contact with each other, are irregular in shape, and are often attracted to the blood vessels. 2) In the acidophilic adenoma, multinucleated and giant cells can be often seen, while tumor cells of the chromophobic adenomas are generally small. 3) The nuclei of the acidophilic adenomas are often irregular in shape. 4) In both adenoma cells, the nuclei are homogeneous and dense, filled with fine granules, and nucleoli can be often observed. 5) The cells of both adenomas contain secretory granules of homogeneous electron density. Almost all of the chromophobic adenoma cells contain only a few granules, while the acidophilic adenoma cells generally contain more-granules. The number of the granules in the acidophilic adenoma cells varied from that of the densely granulated cells to cells resembling chromophobic cells in the normal adenohypophysis of the animals. 6) In both adenoma cells, the size of secretory granules is 50〜300 mμ in diameter and is not constant. Some cells resemble the acidophilic cells and others, the basophilic cells in the normal adenohypophysis of the animals. 7) The endoplasrnic reticulum is well developed in many of the acidophilic adenoma cells. In the chromophobic adenoma cells, the vacuolated endoplasrnic reticulum is extremely developed. 8) Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus can be seen in both adenoma cells but their distribution, quantity, and size vary in each cell. 9) In addition, in the case of acidophilic adenoma, the polygonal cells with very electron dense nuclei and cytoplasm are rarely observed. Furthermore, in the chromophobic adenomas, the largely vacuolated giant cells with less dense cytoplasm, dense cells, and the small cells with large granules near the blood capillaries are sometimes observed. 10) In the acidophilic adenoma, almost all of the blood vessels are sinusoid surrounded by the electron dense perisinusoidal space. But the chromophobic adenoma vessels, unlike the former, appear to have well developed pericapillary cells.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-11-28
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