- 論文の詳細を見る
Numerous surgical treatments have been reported for the coronary insufficiency, but adequate methods seem to have been left undeveloped for the evaluation of surgical effects. The polarograph equipped with micro-platinum electrode proved effective for the measurement of oxygen availability in heart muscle by the experiment of dogs subjected to nitrogen inhalation and coronary impairment. This was assured by the observation of relationship of oxygen availability in the heart muscle to ECG findings and to maximal activity of transaminase in coronary artery ligated dogs. Based on the fundamental experiment, further studies were carried out on 58 operated dogs in the light of polarograph and ECG. Surgical procedures consist of 20 cases of cardiopericardiopexy (a), 10 cases of bilateral internal mammary artery ligation (b), 15 cases of a-b combined operation (c) and 13 cases of intramuscular implantation of internal mammary artery (d). They were followed up and examined three months after operation. More than 5% improvement of postoperative decrease of oygen availability was taken for efficient index. This was observed in 6 cases (30%) in (a), 2 cases (20%) in (b), 7 cases (50%) in (c) and 9 cases (70%) in (d). Efficient index (E.I.) was further classified into three groups ; marked (more than 45%), moderate (45-25%) and slight (15-5%), as was shown in following table. [table] 2 cases of (c) and 7 of (d) became free of preoperative ECG abnormalites. Above-mentioned results indicate that (d) is the most excellent operative procedure and next comes (c). Hence, the measurement of oxygen availability in heart muscle by polarograph serves as the most reliable method for the judgement of the result of surgical treatments for coronary insufficiency.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1963-01-28
- 31. 冠動脈造影法(第419回千葉医学会例会 第一外科教室談話会)
- 28.冠状心疾患の外科療法 : 特に直接法について(第430回千葉医学会例会,第一外科学教室談話会)
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- 30)当院における早期胃癌(第442回千葉医学会例会,第一外科学教室談話会)
- 10.亜急性硬膜外血腫の1治験例(第430回千葉医学会例会,第一外科学教室談話会)
- 20. 縦隔腫瘍の1例(第457回千葉医学会例会 第一外科教室談話会)
- ポーラログラフによる冠動脈外科療法効果の研究