遷延感作とアルツス現象 : 実験病理学的研究
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A histopathological study of Arthus phenomenon induced by repeated provocative injection in rabbits in the earlier and later stages of prolonged sensitizaion with horse serum, egg white, and bovine serum albumin is presented. It has been revealed that the Arthus phenomenon in rabbits which had been sensitized with horse serum for 28 and 60 days was characterized by allergic-hyperergic inflammatory reaction. In the Arthus phenomenon in rabbits with prolonged sensitization for 198 and 206 days, however, perifocal degenerative changes with an increase of ground substance between collagen fibers as well as of interfibrillar cement substance in the connective tissue surrounding the necrotic foci were characteristic, while the inflammatory reaction was not distinct. In the animals sensitized with egg white severe inflammatory focal reaction took place in the Arthus phenomenon in the earlier stage of prolonged sensitization (28 and 63 days) as well as in the later stage (179 to 261 days). In the latter case degenerative conversion of both perifocal edematous swelling and of proliferated granulation tissue was noted. The Arthus phenomenon in rabbits sensitized with 1% saline solution of bovine serum albumin demonstrated similar characteristics as in the case of horse serum sensitization, i.e., inflammatory focal rection in the earlier stage of prolonged sensitization (25 and 28 days), and degenerative conversion of inflammatory tissue reaction in the later stage (212 and 455 days). It is worthy of note that the Arthus phenomenon induced by repeated injections of foreign proteins in the later stage of prolonged sensitization is characterized by degenerative conversion of inflammatory reaction of blood vessels and surrounding connective tissue in contrast to the Arthus phenomenon in the earlier stage of sensitization.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1963-01-28
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- 遷延感作とアルツス現象 : 実験病理学的研究
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