- 論文の詳細を見る
The intervertebral disk, which act as half joint between the vertebral bodies supporting the torso in a human body which is characterized by standing and walking on two feet, restrains the spinal column from performing abnormal movement and, at the same time, serves as cushion against the force which is brought to bear on the vertebrae. Having such a specific function, the intervertebral disk is a viscous elastic body resembling gel in character. Research by investigators has shown that in shows a specific metabolism of water and tissue fluid based on hydrophilism due both to hydrophilic factors and to characteristics as gel. In order to clarify specific function of the lumbar intervertebral disk, experimental and clinical studies were carried out in normal and diseased specimens resected from cadavers and patients undergoing Suzuki's transperitoneal lumbar intervertebral disk resection therapy. Experiments were carried out in these specimens to study the process of expansion and to determine the water content, degree of water absorption and index of expansion based on hydrophilism due to hydrophilic factors and characteristics as gel. Results have shown that there is a marked difference in the function between the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosus, and that there is a difference worthy of note in the function between the normal disk and the diseased one. The latter difference seems to be accounted for by postulating that there are two mechanisms of water absorption going on in the disk-one is hydrophilism in which hydrophilic factors are concerned, and the other is hydrophilism due to characteristics as gel. The significance of the syndrome of low back pain and sciatica, especially intervertebral disk herniation, in dialy life was established by proving that the specific nature of the tissue of the disk which serves its purpose is liable to cause its degeneration.
- 千葉大学の論文
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