佐藤癌の研究 : 第1部 佐藤癌1号,2号の移植に関する究研
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In 1956 pref. Sato of our Department succeeded in serial transplantation of two spontaneous carcinomas, Sato Carcinomas No. 1 and No. 2 in hybrid mice. The present paper deals with the details of the transplantability of these tumors. 1. The Places of Original tumors. Sato Carcinoma No. 1, which developed in a famale hybrid mouse weighing 29 g, was a tumor as large as 30 mm×30 mm, involving the area spreading from the left back loin to the breast and from the subepithelial tissue to the left peritoneum. Sato Carcinoma No. 2 was found in a female hybrid mouse weighing 23 g, and was a tumor with the size of about 10 mm×10 mm which grew in the area extending from the right axilla to the parietal pleura. 2. Histopatholpgic Findings. Carcinoma No. 1 presented the histologic picture of Carcinoma simplex, while Carcinoma No. 2 that of a mixed carcinoma consisting of carcinoma simplex and an adenocarcinoma. 3. Results of serial transplantation. In successive transplantation for 45 generations, Carcinoma No. 1 showed a positive takes of 71 per cent, lethal takes of 39 per cent and a spontaneous cure rate of 20 per cent. The percentages found in Carcinoma No. 2 during the successive transplantation for 24 generation were: positive takes, 50 per cent; lethal takes, 27 per cent; and spontaneous cure rate, 33 per cent. 4. The Growth of Transplanted Tumors. When transplanted into young mice Carcinoma No. 1 usually began to grow after a dormant period of 5 days to 2 weeks. The cells of the tumor infiltrated into the normal cells in the vicinity, growing as large as from 10 mm×10mm to 30 mm×30 mm after 2 or 3 weeks. Death from cancer usually occursed 3 or 4 weeks after transplanted tumors had begun to grow. Carcinoma No. 2 usually began to grow after a dormant period of 10 days to 2 weeks follewing transplantation. Its development was very slow; it grew to the size of 10 mm×10 mm or 30 mm×30 mm about 4 weeks after it had begun to grow. 5. Facters Affecting the Results of Transplantation.Strain of animals used for experiments seems to be the most impertant facter affecting the results of transplantation of tumors. The positive takes of Carcinoma No. 1 mice of different strains were: d. d. strain, 63 per cent; S. M. strain, 75 per cent; and C 57 BL/6, strain, 90 per cent. The percentages shown in transplanting carcinoma No. 2 were: d. d. strain, 80 percent; S. M. strain, 75 per cent; and C 57 BL/6 strain, 80 per cent. Different positive takes, cancer mortalities and spontaneous cure rates were obtained with mice of different strains. Age of animals also gave influence upon the results of transplantation of tumors. The younger the animal, the higher was positive rate and cancer mortality, and the lower was sopntaneous cure rate. 6. Biological properties. Both Carcinomas No. 1 and No. 2 gave negative tests for resistance against drying, filtration tests, and freezing and thawing tests. This shows that a virus may not be a causative agent of these tumors.
- 千葉大学の論文