Sideroblast, Siderocyte及び骨髄組織可染鉄に関する研究
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The smear specimens of bone marrow and peripheral blood were stained with Prussian blue reaction technique for demonstration of iron, and were studied to determine the rates of occurrence of sideroblasts and siderocytes in them. The specimens of bone marrow had been obtained by sternal puncture from a total of 190 individuals including normal, healthy persons. At the same time, the specimens of bone marrow were made into sections, and the amount of stainable iron in each section was also determined and compared with one another. In normal, healthy individuals the rate of occurrence of sideroblasts ranged froim 9 to 57 per cent. The percentage was lowered in persons deficient in iron, while it was elevated in individuals with a surplus of iron or with disturbance of hemoglobin synthesis. Except in persons with infectious diseases, the amount of stainable iron in the section of bone marrow behaved in the same mariner as the rate of occurrence of sideroblasts. Persons with infectious diseases showed symptoms of iron deficiency clinically, and a small number of sideroblasts were detected in the smear specimens of bone marrow, though there was plenty of stainable iron in the sections of bone marrow. Persons who were free from iron deficiency and who had high degree of erythropoiesis, except those who had undergone splenectomy, were shown to have a greater number of siderocytes. This observation will show that siderocytes are young erythrocytes. It seemed that splenectomy caused disturbance of hemoglobin synthesis, so that stainable iron could be detected even in ripe erythrocytes of persons operated on. It was presumed that stainable iron to be detected in erythroblasts and reticulocytes would be located at mitochondria. This has not, however, been confirmed electron microscopically.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-09-28
- 11. 貧血症の臨床的観察(第35回千葉医学会総会 第4回千葉県医師会学術大会連合会演説要旨)
- 2. 血漿蛋白像より観たる各種血清反応の臨床的研究(第337回千葉医学会例会(臨床))
- Sideroblast, Siderocyte及び骨髄組織可染鉄に関する研究