屎内寄生虫卵計算法に関する2,3の知見補遺 : 第2編 沈澱法とStoll氏法との比較について
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In order to see if the number of eggs per gram of the stool counted by Stoll's method represents the actual number of eggs per gram of the stool, experiments were conducted in Ascaris and hookworm eggs. In counting the number of eggs per gram of the stool, sedimentation method was also used to compare the results of these twom ethods. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Hookworm Eggs a. When the density of eggs in the stool was below 100per gram as counted by sedimentation method, the ratio of the number of eggs counted by sedimentation method to the number of eggs counted by Stoll's method was 1:1.25. b. When the density of eggs in the"stool was 101〜500 perg ram as counted by sedimentation method, the ratio of the number of eggs counted by sedimentation method to the number of eggs counted by Stoll's method was 1:1.01. There was no significant difference between two numbers. c. When the density of eggs in the stool was above 501 per gram as counted bysedimentation method, the ratio of the number of eggs counted by sedimentation method to the number of eggs counted by Stoll's method was 1:1.07, there being no significant difference between two numbers. 2. Ascaris Eggs a. When the density of eggs in the stool was below 500 per gram as counted by sedimentation method, the ratio of the, number of eggs counted by sedimentation method to the number of eggs counted by Stoll's method was 1:0.97, there being no significant difference between two numbers. b. When the density of eggs in the stool was above 501per gram as counted by sedimentation method, the ratio of the number of eggs counted by sedimentation method to the number of eggs counted by Stoll's method was 1:0.88.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-03-28
- 11. 鏡検上みかけの蛔虫卵陰性者に対し駆虫薬を投与した実験成績について(第338回千葉医学会例会(基礎))
- 屎内寄生虫卵計算法に関する2,3の知見補遺 : 第2編 沈澱法とStoll氏法との比較について
- 屎内寄生虫卵計算法に関する2,3の知見補遺 : 第1編 Stoll氏法に於ける虫卵検出に関する2,3の補遺について