Dihydroergot誘導体,および, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide(LSD-25)にかんする臨床的,ならびに,実験的研究,とくに,その脳波的観察
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I. Concerning the clinical evaluation with Dihydroergokryptine (DHKT) and Hydergine (Sandoz). The effects of DHK and Hydergine (Sandoz), derivates of dihydroergots, upon 59 cashes , were investigated clinically and electroencephalographically. 1. The sympatholytic actions of two drugs are more prominent centrally than peripherally. 2. Clinically there are assured the moderate hypotensive and the milder bradycardic actions as to these drugs, despite of some exceptions. 3. There can be found good effect from 30 to 60% for the remedy of the vascular headache which is frequently observed amongst vegetative dystonia. However for the migraine, such an affect which has been emphasized by many authers could not be so highly evaluated. The effect upon the hypertensive headache is assumed to depend on the stages of the disase, whereas in the acute examination with the test dosis the tension headache seen in the juvenile hypertension or in the chronic treatm'ent of the hypertensive encephalopathy, there can be recognized the good effect to a certain extent. Moreover, dizziness, stiff shoulder, and tinnitus are affected in favour. Among those who are treated with DHK, some patients confess the invigorating feeling in addition to the disappearance of headache, but a few the floating. 4. The electroencephalographic changes were observed in 21 of 34 cases administered with DHK, and 9 of 13 cases with Hydergine. Expressly the waves with paroxysmal high voltage are characteristic (with DHK 38 %, with Hydergine 56 %), furthermore the occurrence or the increase of spikes, and the augmentation of amplitude and frequency of waves (α-activity) are noted. In general, it may be safe to say that by means of the application of two drugs the amplitude of waves increase in their amount as the routine response. The dysrhythmic waves are apt to be converted into the normo-rhythmic. Contrarily, in the control group there can not be seen any sorts of abnormal waves. The correlation between headache and electroancephalographic findings proves nonspecific so far as this observation is concerned. DHK affects rather more powerfully upon the remedy for headache, while Hydergine upon the electroencephalographic patterns themselves. 5. There could be observed the decrease of blood sugar in 7 cases of 8 treated with DHK, although within normal range. 6. Regarding the side effects, nausea, vomiting, nasal stoppage, facial flushing are noticed, depending largely upon the influenced autonomic nervous tonicity. 7. The long termed application was made in 12 patients, being based on the sympatholytic and the centrally sedative and the vasodilatoric actions of two drugs. The combined use of dihydroergot- and thiouracil-derivates are expected more effective for the remedy of hyperthyroidism, than the singular administration of the either of two derivates. The dihydroergot derivates effect favourably for the treatment of encephalomalacia or angiospastic encephalopathy to a certain extent. 8. Besides the clinical usefulness, two drugs show the fairly characteristic patterns on the electroencephalograms by means of the acute application of them, so that they give sometimes the valuable aids in order to diagnose the autonomic nervous tonicity. II. Respecting the experimental observation upon the autonomic nervous responses with the use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (TSD-25). 1. LSD-25 has a slight hypertensive action, and augments the respiratory rates without any change upon the respiratory amplitude. The cardiac rates are hardly affected. 2. LSD-25 has an antagonistic influence upon the ventilatory inhibition due to the epinephrine or "Suprifen" (Hoechst) of a certain large dosis via the bathoreceptoric reflex ; Chlorpromazine CCPZ) invalidates this inhibitory action. 3. The epinephrine reversal reaction observed by means of the premedication with Acetylcholine (Ach.) becomes more evident after the administration of LSD-25, and the hypotensive response of Ach. appears more marked by the premedication of LSD-25 or CPZ. At the same time such a management augments the degree of A-V Block due to Ach. on Ecg., while it reduces more strikingly the amplitude on electroencephalography; furthermore by the previous application of CPZ, Ach. elicits not rarely the convulsive waves. 4. With the use of LSD-25, the NaCN-hyperpnea depending upon the chemoreceptoric reflex is prolonged, and the application of CPZ abolishes the reactive hyperpnea immediately following after the reflexogenic hyperventilation. 5. Electroencephalography influenced with LSD-25 is characterized by the decrease in the amplitude and the advance of the synchronization on the cortical clectroencephalography, this tendency can be also seen on the subcortical with the similar manner, while the slow waves due to CPZ can be done away with LSD-25, the former inhibits instantly the electroencephalographic changes caused to the latter. Also, CPZ lowers the fever elicited with LSD-25. The electroencephalographic patterns due to the medication of Rauwolfia Serpentina (Rs) is restrained immediately after the administration of LSD-25, yet the two kinds of drugs appear to respond alternatively there on. This suggests that there is possible to exist a certain difference between cortical and subcortical electrical activities affected with LSD-25 and CPZ. 6. LSD-25 raises the mydriasis by the central reflexogenic mechanism. Rs and CPZ show the antagonistic action against the mydriasis caused to LSD-25. 7. From the results above mentioned, LSD-25 is sure to possess, at least the partial antagonism against Rs and CPZ, consequently LSD-25 can be concluded to affect not only peculiarly upon the psychotic state, but also rather central sympathicominetically upon the vegetative nervous tonicity of animals anesthetized with barbital-derivates. 8. Further, LSD-25 lowers the threshold value of the convulsion provoked with 10 % π-oxo-camphor, and the additional use of CPZ inhibits evidently the appearance of the convulsive waves on electroencephalography, showing the antagonism against LSD-25.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1958-11-28