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Changes in colposcopic appearances of carcinoma of the cervix uteri occurring as a result of radium treatment were studied in chronological sequence in 51 patients treated at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chiba University Hospital. At the same time, exploratory excision followed by biopsy of the cancerous growth of each patient was performed, so that the findings obtained by the two different methods might be correlated. It was shown that, though the patterns of changes in colposcopic appearances of cancerous growths varied with the patients, changes manifested by any cancinoma that responded to radium treatment had uniformity. This observation would merit further clinical experiences, for the author believes it would help predict the prognosis of patients having their carcinoma tented by radium. Changes manifested by carcinoma that responded to radium treatment are described below in chronogical order. Colposcopic appearances of carcinoma that had received irradiation of 2200 mg. el. hrs. of radium rays showed marked reduction in size of tumor and production of the blood vessels, while biopsy revealed marked degeneration of the cancer cells and proliferation of the stroma. Colposcopy revealed that carcinoma that carcinoma that had received irradiation of 3050 mg. el. hrs. of radium rays presented a picture of granulation, with marked production of the blood vessels. An identical observation was made by biopsy. Fifteen days after the treatment had been finished, colposcopy revealed epithelization in the periphery of carcinoma, while biopsy showed that replacement of the granulation tissue by the connective tissue had begun. Twenty-four days after the treatment had been finished, a picture of the normal mucous membrane was observed by colposcopy, while the development of squamous epithelium was revealed by biopsy.
- 千葉大学の論文