呼吸反射の実験的ならびに臨床的研究 : とくに血圧・化学受容反射を中心として
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A. The pressoreceptoric respiratory responses were studied upon dogs under pentothal anesthesia. 1. Hering's 2nd stimulation Although the mode of the responses shows considerable varieties in each case as to Hering's 2nd stimulation, there occur most commonly both acceleration of respiration and elevation of blood pressure which are used to be enhanced further by the ligation of external and internal carotid arteries distal to carotid sinus or by the resection of cervical vagosympathetic trunks. The denervation of carotid sinus plexus abolishes the respiratory response, yet there can be still observed a small amount of pressor response though it is hardly significant. While at the certain subnormal level of blood pressure the pressor response is decreased in its degree, the respiratory response is rather promoted. of which the acceleration reduces its grade at the lower range of blood pressure. 2. Hering's 1st stimulation The hyperventilation can be elicited in all cases, but there are found 6.2 % of observations which do not show the depressor response. The resection of cervical vagosympathetic trunks under artificial respiration brings both reflex hyperventilation and hypotension in entire cases. The pulling of carotid sinus proximal to the heart (Martin, Pilcher) is of course no adequate stimulation of the pressoreceptors so that the more significance can be laid on the observations immediately after the deocclusion of common carotid arteries. While the reflex hypotension appears in all observations, the respiratory inhibition is missed in 14.2 % of them. However the resection of cervical vagosympathetic trunks under artificial respiration brings both reflex depression of blood pressure and inhibition of respiration in entire cases. B. The chemoreceptoric respiratory response was studied upon dogs under pentothal anesthesia. lobeline and NaCN reactions: Although the resection of cervical vagosympathetic trunks modifies the reaction mode of respiration and blood pressure of chemoreceptoric origin (possibly the evasion of cardioaortic chemoreceptoric reflex), there can still be found the marked chemoreceptoric hyperventilation without the existence of the vagal nerves. C. The respiratory action of chlorpromazine, theraptique, coraminadenosin, reserpine, pendiomide, ATP injected intravenously were studied on dogs under pentothal anesthesia. 1. Chlorpromazine moderates the ventilation with or without preceding transient respiratory stimulation, and exhibits the adrenolytic action not only upon blood pressure but also upon respiration. 2. Theraptique stimulates the respiration centrally by and large and also shows the remarkable hypertension which is, to some extent, directly due to the peripheral vasoconstriction. 3. Coramin-adenosin enhances the respiratory action with or without initial temporary inhibition; the depression of blood pressure persists for a considerable term. 4. While a small. dose of reserpine does not influence upon respiration, the larger dose brings about the general sedation including the respiratory transquilization which can be recognized 'even in marked depression of blood pressure without any sign of hyperventilation. 5. pendiomide inhibits transiently the respiration only to slight degree, and suppresses both respiratory augmentation and arterial hypertension elicited by Hering's 2nd stimulation, whereas does not modify both hyperventilation and hypotension due to Hering's 1st stimulation. Apnea and hypertension of epinephrine appears more markedly by the administration of pendiomide. 6. A T P injected intramuscularly does influence upon neither the range of blood pressure nor the mode of ventilation. The intravenous application exhibits both remarkable hypotension and hyperventilation preceded by temporal respiratory inhibition for a short duration. In this term the chemoreceptoric action of sino-aortic zone is not directly affected by the use of A T P. The hyperventilation must be intiated from certain, yet undecided areas except for sino-aortic regions. D. So-called epinephrine apnea was studied on dogs under pentothal anesthesia: So-called epinephrine apnea is caused by means of the respiratory inhibition due to the pressoreceptoric respiratory reflex elicited by the elevation of blood pressure, but to the lesser extent it depends also upon the direct central action which is considered to have the closed relationship of the change of intracranial circulation. The dosage which results in the epinephrine apnea is on average larger than that to raise the blood pressure. E. Hyperventilation index and lobeline time were observed in bronchiale asthma with or without emphysema, and in decompensated or compensated cardiac disease. Hyperventilation index is defined as follows: (Breathholding time after hyperventilation-B. h. t. during normal respiration)/B. h. t. during normal respiration. There can not be any marked difference between normal and bronchial asthma not complicated with emphysema, whereas there are found many cases characterized of the shortening among cardiac failure. The lobeline time is estimated to 9.3±2.3" in non-complicated bronchial asthma and to 13.3±2.7" in emphysematous cases. The time is measured to 11.2±1.6" in compensated cardiac disorders and to 16.8±3.1" in decompensated.
- 千葉大学の論文