間脳に関する薬理学的研究 : 諸種薬物漏斗室内注入のガマ体温に及ぼす影響
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It is said that the thalamencephalon, especially the hypothalamus, regulates and controls several functions in a living body, as the higher center of autonomic nerves, above all the neighbourhood of "Tuber cinereum" in hypothalamus. I infused several drugs into the recessus infundibuli (in hypothalamus) with the same method, which Hara and Koseki had used, and observed the fact that a toad (a kind of cold-blooded animals) had schown remarkable change of body-temperature after the infusion. With this result and some other anlalytic experiments, I got some results above the principle of the body-temperature regulation in hypothalamus. Those are as follows: 1. A cold-blooded animal, as a toad, can change his body-temperature after the infusion of several drugs into the recessus infundibuli. 2. A toad does not change hisbody-temperature by some mechanical stimulus (as hypothalamus-extraction, sympathico- or parasympathicotomy, and cutting off of spinal cord), and by injection of muscular relaxants and general anaesthetics. 3. Body-temperature rises after following drugs were infused: Thermine, Pepton, Coff. nat. Benz., and T.E.A.-base, also Thyphoid vaccine and Diphtheria toxoid. Body-temperature falls after following drugs were infused: Vitacampher, Acetylcholine, and Phenobarbital. 4. Body-temperature shows a tendency to rise by vagotomy, and to fall by sympathicotomy. 5. Body-temperature raising action of some drugs infused into recessus infundibuli becomes weaker when the hypophyse was exposed, when the motor muscle was paralyzed after the injection of muscle relaxants, (in this case Myanesin is more effective than Curare), and when the hypothalamic anaesthetics were administrated. 6. Body-temperature raising action of some drugs infused into recessus infundibuli is considerably but not completely damaged when the spinal cord was cut off. 7. The temperature raising degree in muscle is the greatest among the liver-, muscular-, and rectal temperature.8. Body-temperature raising action of some drugs infused into recessus infundibuli is considerably damaged when the liver was exposed. Therefore I think that a toad can become feverish through the muscular pyrexia and the liver pyrexia. 9. The about 1/100 dosis of drug infused into recessus infundibuli causes more quickly and eminent body-temperature change as the dosis of same drug injected in blood vessels. 10. From the above, I can reason that even cold-blooded animals, as toads, have the regulate center of body-temperature in hypothalamus, and body-temperature is controled through autonomic nerve system.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1956-07-00