- 論文の詳細を見る
The author has investigated Aschoff bodies in the heart of the autopsied cases of the typical rheumatic fever. Not only the typical granuloma but also the granuloma of the specific cells with basophilic cytoplasma appear to be in the category of the so-called Aschoff body, because, according to the present situation of the researches, both the origin and developmental mechanism of Aschoff bodies is quite obscure. Aschoff cells contain polysaccharide and ribonucleic acid, and some of it seems to originate in the myocardiac fibers. Fibrinoid substance is usually scanty in the central part of the granuloma, and is also often observed between the cells of the peripheral area of the granuloma. In the cytochemical examination, fibrinoid substance shows different attitude in different staining, however, most of them contain polysaccharide. The intimate relationship between the nodules and vessels could be recognized in some cases, but the author has encountered much difficulties in application of this way of thinking concerning the etiology of the granuloma of all cases. In other words, the author failed to find out such a relationship in the nodules of the myocardiac degenerated parts. The granuloma in the part of degenerated myocardium and subendcardium are not typical but can be essentially identified with Aschoff bodies in morphological picture, and this nodular formation has relation to connective tissue in myocardiac funicles and myocardiac degeneration.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1956-05-28
- 13.プレドニン60mgの隔日経口投与により軽快せしめた多発性筋炎の1症例(第635回千葉医学会例会・第二内科例会)
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- Aschoff結節に就て
- 7) アレルギーに依る実験的心炎(千葉医学会第30回総会,昭和28年度千葉県医師会医学会連合大会)