高血圧発生機転に就て(第30回千葉医学会総会 特別講演)
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Although it is generally conceded that a humoral mechanism is responsible for the development of experimental renal hypertension, controversy exists concerning the relative role of the nervous system and humoral mechanisms in the maintenance of the elevated blood pressure. Most experiments were performed on dogs. The results obtained with rats (Ogden) differ somewhat from those with dogs. In order to clarify these confusions species differences, especially in the function on the sympatho-adrenal system, have been taken into consideration and experiments were performed with rabbits. It was shown in rabbits that peripherally active vasoconstrictor substance is not responsible for the development of experimental renal hypertension. The sensitivity to epinephrine was found to increase with the elevation of blood pressure and seemed to have causative relationship with the latter. Both the epinephrine sensitivity and the hypertension itself could be inhibited by phenobarbital. Thus it is concluded that the central hyperreactivity in the existence of ischemic kidney might be the cause of the hypertension. In rabbits adrenalectomy did not interfere with the development of renal hypertension. This is quite different from the hitherto reported observations made on dogs. It was shown that adrenalectomy depresses seriously the sympathetic function in dogs, while in rabbits the sympathetic nervous system, although it is susceptible to phenobarbital, recovers in its function after deprivation of their adrenals. The difference in the functional integrity of the sympatho-adrenal system might explain the difference in the evaluation of the role of nervous system in the renal hypertension. Since the body possesses means for gradually reestablishing the control of the central nervous system over the vascular bed when these normal pathways are destroyed, the results of sympathectomy (Goldblatt) can not be evaluated as the disproval of neurogenic factor in renal hypertension.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1954-03-28
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- 高血圧発生機転に就て(第30回千葉医学会総会 特別講演)
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