- 論文の詳細を見る
Bacteriological and Clinical Studies on biliary diseases in relation to the presence of microorganisms in the bile revealed the following result: 1. Microorganisms were detected in the bile from 52.3% of the cases of cholecystitis, 33.3% of the cases of gallbladder and cystic stone, and 100% of the cases of common duct stone. Gram-negative bacteria accounted for 60% (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella accounted for 48%) of all the organisms isolated from the bile. Cultures of the organisms isolated from the duodenal bile and gallbladder bile of the same patient showed agreement in species in 82% of the patients examined. In view of the result of test for sensitivity of the isolated organisms, the author is in favor of the use of antibiotics for treatment in the following order: tetracycline, chloramphenicol and streptomycin. 2. Many of the cases of biliary infections with impediment to flow of the bile in the common duct, particularly gallstone of the common duct, were characterized by intermittent high fever, with serious general condition. There were 3 cases of cholangitis lenta, of which 2 cases had stones in the common duct. 3. It appears that the effect of any antibiotic is influenced by the condition of the biliary duct. Patients with slight changes in the gallbladder and no dilatation of the common duct tended to become negative for organisms, but patients with marked changes in the gallbladder and dilatation of the common duct tended to remain positive for organisms following chemotherapy.
- 千葉大学の論文
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