- 論文の詳細を見る
The author reached to the following conclusions after experimental research works on artificial hibarnation for dogs. 1) Chlorpromazin is an indespensable element of cocktail litigue. 2) In usage of a cocktail with the ratio of Chlorpromazin and Opystan (Demerol) 1:2, auther's new technique "slow injection of a cocktail into the carotic artery" is an excellent method for introduction of artificial hibarnation. 3) Immersion method is superior than any other one for cooling. 4) For recovering, active warming is recommended for cases with rectal temperature under 30℃. 5) Artificial hibarnation gives less disturbance of metabolism than hypothermia (i. e. respiration, acidbasic balance, occulusions time), and is superior method of giving anaesthesia than the later one. 7 clinical applications of "anaesthesiae potentialiae" present following results. In "anaesthesiae potentialiae" mild anaesthesia should be given, because of post operative care for drainage of sputum. Particularly this is an important point for poor risk. Changing cocktail litique should be performed under very careful consideration. Both "anaesthesiae potentialiae" and artificial hibarnation are very good method for treatment of shock.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 52. 巨大な後腹膜脂肪腫の1治験例(第473回千葉医学会例会,第4回佐藤外科例会)
- 60. 最近一年間に経験した胃早期癌10例について(第473回千葉医学会例会,第4回佐藤外科例会)
- 人工冬眠に関する研究
- 14) 冬眠麻醉の研究(第322回千葉医学会例会,中山外科例会連合会演説要旨(その1))
- 6) 国立横浜療養所に於ける気管支鏡検査成績(第301回千葉医学会例会,第6回中山外科教室集談会連合会演説要旨(その3))