- 論文の詳細を見る
In advanced cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, disorder in functional activities of the liver often occurs. In pleurisy and peritonitis, functional disorder of the liver occurs in the stage of liquid effusion and disappears in the stage of absorption. This phenomenon may be attributed to the occurrence of serous inflammation or rheumatism in the liver as the result of the mechanism of allergy caused by tubercle bacilli or their toxin as was advocated by Professor Masugi. If this is the case, hyperfunction of the reticuloendothelial system would occur, causing rise in serum bilirubin levels. However, in the case of chronic tuberculosis in which hypofunction of the reticuloendothelial system occurs only after degeneration or hypotrophy of the liver parenchyma has taken place as the result of the existence of inflammation of long standing, serum bilirubin levels would inevitably be lowered.
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