ITQ制度下における漁獲パターンに関する分析 : 2007年度を事例に
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This paper aims to illustrate a basic framework for classifying Fishing Patterns under the New Zealand's Individual Transferable Quotas System. This helps to explore further understanding of importance of Quota Owners and economic value for Fishing Patterns. The definition of "Fishing Patterns" is in this paper operationally subdivided; Catch Limited, Catches and Trading of Fishing Quota and Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE), which are based on the actual record of 2007 fishing Year. This paper provides following major findings. 1. There are three major Fishing Patterns without stocks classifying anywhere. 2. Fishing Pattern 1: This fishing pattern is explained that all fishing activities are intended for speculative, investment and risk hedge trading. 3. Fishing Pattern 2: This fishing pattern means almost catches are ACE trading which includes 62 stocks and account for 15% of all stocks. 4. Fishing Pattern 3: This fishing pattern shows that there are no actual fishing activities, catches, fishing trading and ACE trading completely. This pattern mostly belonged to the area 10 "KERMADEC".
- 2009-06-20
- ITQ制度下における漁獲パターンに関する分析 : 2007年度を事例に
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