- 論文の詳細を見る
Confusion has arisen in both theory and practice due to vague interpretations of the phrase "athletic capability." Therefore, in order to find a way out of this situation, this study aimed to formulate a framework of thought suitable for grasping the situation, with the premise that acquiring common understanding is indispensable. Paying attention to three viewpoints-criticism of structural authority, examination of analytical viewpoints, and presentation of frameworks-a consideration of conceptual athletic capability using categorical methods was attempted from an analysis/examination of each. As a result, athletic capability was considered to be a collective of three capabilities-the physical, the intellectual and the sensitive-as individual dynamics, and it was clarified that the "sports structure" objectified by each ability and that exists at a deep level is a framework of thought suitable for grasping athletic capability. In addition, it was shown that "athletic capability" results from a sports structure composed of three abilities: physical, intellectual and sensitive. It was concluded that when this sports structure indergoes internal changes or is subject to external stimulation by functioning as an analyzer to clarify various complex sports phenomena, first, it will set the ranges possible for correspondence, second, it will provide a basis for theoretical explanations related to various complex sports phenomena and be capable of regularly predicting various phenomena that may occur, and finally, it will contribute much to generation of athletic capability that was previously not present, as well as improving existing capability.
- 2009-06-10
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